A tabletop pirate skirmish game featuring beautiful miniatures and fun, fast rules!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Backerkit and Shipping
about 5 years ago
– Thu, Oct 31, 2019 at 01:19:18 AM
Ahoy there me hearties and happy Halloween. Apologies for the fact we haven't hit our estimated delivery time of October. There have been no major problems - the biggest being that the 2 Kickstarter exclusives had to be completely resculpted due to a software issue - rather a number of small kinks and delays along the various stages of fulfillment. As such, I offer my sincere apologies but also can faithfully reassure you that the project will deliver soon.
Here's where we are: the "main" sets of figures - the human and skeleton crews, are being manufactured now and we would expect to receive them within a week.
The Backerkit will launch this weekend. This will allow you to pay postage and add any extras such as the trolls and boats.
The 2 exclusives have been reprinted and will go the manufacturer on Friday - how long it then takes for them to be put into production is the big unknown now. We will ne asking for a favour to get them done as soon as possible, but the usual turnaround is 3-4 weeks. As such this is now our most likely shipping period.
As we now have this time I'm reworking the Event Cards to look a little nicer and will be running through the book again. I've also commissioned 4 brand new pieces of artwork for the book which haven't been seen by anyone yet, and they're awesome - I hope that goes some way to reducing the disappointment that we haven't been able to ship when we'd hoped.
In the meantime our sculptor has also begun work on the next stage of game releases, and I can reveal that the next crew to be made will be - orcs and goblins!
Yours until the weekend when we launch backerkit -
Happy Halloween
Cap'n Rich
Beta Rules Update. Backerkit update. Boats!
about 5 years ago
– Fri, Oct 04, 2019 at 03:11:02 PM
Hi everyone! First and foremost you can download the most recent update to the rules here: Rules
Please let us know what you think of them and tell us all about any games you play.
Later on this weekend we will be launching the Backerkit pledge manager. This will allow you to give us all the details we need to deliver your pledge: your address, any add-ons and shipping etc. It will also allow you to add funds for ANYTHING that was available during the campaign which you have not pledged for AND I am very pleased to announce, resin boats.
If you follow us on Facebook or Twitter you will have already seen the designs of the sailing and rowing boat.
We didn't think we would be able to offer them to you due to having to estimate the pricing, but we now have a quote so will be making them available to you, the Kickstarter backers, first. I should point out they will likely ship a couple of weeks behind everything else though.
We'll keep you updated about the pledge manager as soon as possible.
Dead Earth Games
Progress Report, plus some other little things...
over 5 years ago
– Wed, Sep 25, 2019 at 09:16:54 AM
Argh me hearties! Just a quick message to let you know that not only is all on track, we have a few surprises up our sleeves.
If you pledged for the Dread Se Troll you wil now have a choice of THREE different models...
and if you didn't, you'll be able to add funds for any or all of them in the pledge manager, which we'll be launching soon (hopefully this week).
All the tokens for the game are printed up and ready to go too.
More details on all this soon!
Dead Earth Games
Mats, new races for the rulebook, general update
over 5 years ago
– Mon, Aug 12, 2019 at 08:08:25 AM
Hi all! We're going to keep you updated on all aspects of the project now that we're funded. Here's whats's going on:
Sinister Island Mat
We received the cloth version of the game mat from Tinywargames. It looks absolutely fantastic and we will be play testing later on tonight after which I'll write a scenario or two to go with it. If you missed out on pledging for the mat during the campaign, don't worry, you will be able to add it in the pledge manager and simply add additional funds via paypal.
New Races
Following requests from backers and beta testers we've added to new races to the world and rules, ratmen and a race of squid-headed people, provisionally named the Skrier, subject to anyone suggesting a better name.
Rules and background for both races will feature in the next update of the PDF rules, along with a few other tweaks and changes.
The Dread Sea Troll
Sculpting work continues on the Dread Sea troll and we think you'll agree this "miniature" is going to be very exciting to get onto the tabletop! Again, if you missed the chance to pledge for this during the campaign, don't worry, you'll be able to add funds for him when the pledge manager goes live.
General Update
The tokens and coin are now 3D printed and ready for manufacture. The parrot is up next. and then the two Kickstarter exclusive pirates. The next update of the PDF rules will also be very soon, and the pledge manager probably in the next week or two. Any questions, send them to Capt Rich either here, via [email protected], or via the Facebook page.
Thanks me hearties!
Capt Rich
What happens now?
over 5 years ago
– Sat, Aug 10, 2019 at 02:06:23 PM
Thanks again, one and all, for all of your support. We are now successfully funded. This means a lot to us, because this Kickstarter was not just about creating some miniatures, or even a book, but a game and a gaming community we hope will play and enjoy the game for years to come.
Still - first things first. We will send out a questionnaire in the next couple of weeks where you will not only be able to select what you pledged for if you added any funds, but also be able to add anything else yu didn't pledge for at the KS price and pay separately via Paypal. Most of the miniatures, aside from the 2 Kickstarter exclusives and the tokens, chests and coins, are ready for manufacture. We'll chase up the 3D printing of those this week, and everything will go into manufacture soon. That means the miniatures shouldn't take more than around 8 weeks from now to get done, all being well. I can't guarantee the timescale on the Dread Sea Troll, of course, as he's not finished yet.
In terms of the rules - we can send the rulebook to print at any time, but we won't until we're happy with the rules themselves. As such we want to hear as much as possible in terms of your feedback on them. Remember to join the group on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/687257624962365/ where we encourage discussion,or you can always e-mail me at [email protected]
Any questions, please direct them in either of those ways too, please!